Slide Stories A collection of perspectives and updates from our team highlighting the challenges and successes of fostering innovative solutions to ocean and coastal problems in today’s world.
A young Latina woman wearing a white baseball cap and burgundy jacket crouches on the shoreline, looking at mussels.

Ocean Side Chats: Heidi Waite

Science Officer Heidi Waite talks about how academia can inform global science policy

Touring California's Seaweed Farms with Policymakers

Experts showcase science-based advancements at seaweed farms in Monterey and Humboldt Bays for California decision-makers
A close-up photo of sea foam on a white sand beach
Photograph of a middle aged white woman in a green dress. She wears sunglasses and dances on a shady woodland path.

Ocean Side Chats: Lori Zook

Director of Administration and Finance Lori Zook discusses nonacademic career paths and behind-the-scenes of keeping a nonprofit running
A low wave cresting towards a distant shore. A long line of whitecaps is visible, as are dunes along the horizon.
Crab pots and a small boat pulled up on a beach along the Alaskan coastline.

New paper: Adapting for Climate-Ready Fisheries

A new paper, in partnership with UC Davis, highlights how fisheries have already deployed adaptability strategies to address climate change impacts.
Sunset over a rocky beach; a figure is visible in the surf, and the clouds and waves are golden and lavender with late afternoon sun

OST Welcomes New Board Leadership

Dr. Gary Griggs and Dr. Alexis Jackson will serve as the new Board of Trustees Chair and Vice Chair
Blue hour overlooking a sandy beach and cliffs along California Central Coast

Adopted: 2024 California Sea Level Rise Guidance

California officially adopts the 2024 statewide guidance on future sea level rise
A bucket full of Pacific Red Sea Urchins

New report: Workshop on red urchin fishery resilience

New workshop report on the socio-economic impacts of fishery collapse and potential future resilience strategies
Photograph of a presentation during the May 2024 Fisheries Disaster symposium. Peoples backs are visible as they face the presenter. A large screen can be seen at the far end of the room.

Symposium on Fishery Disasters Under Climate Change

Experts gathered to discuss ways to support West Coast fisheries and communities in a climate change-driven world
Photograph of a person in a red jacket standing with their back to the camera. A driftwood log is visible next to them, and the sea recedes into fog in behind them.

Insurance Symposium for Wigi (Humboldt Bay)

A recent symposium sheds light on innovative climate adaptation solutions
Photograph of golden kelp flowing under blue water.

Expert Briefing: Accelerating Kelp Forest Recovery in California

Join us to hear updates on state investments, actions and ongoing research efforts
Photograph of Noyo Harbor small fishing boats. The water and sky are both clear and still, and the trees in the background are dark.

Workshop on Red Urchin Fishery Resilience

A recent workshop explored the socio-economic impacts of fishery collapse and resilience strategies
Photograph of an old steamboat in New Orleans at golden hour.

A Week at the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting

OST attended Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) to track recent work across several of our project priorities and connect with our ocean science community.
Two blonde women sit behind a desk, looking at something on the desk.

Ocean Side Chats: Lauren Linsmayer

Senior Science Office Dr. Lauren Linsmayer talks about the necessity of cutting-edge science and community engagement in the legislative process
An elevated view of the San Pedro waterfront at sunrise.

Touring Ocean-based Carbon Removal with the California Legislature

Policymakers join OST for an educational tour of ocean-based methods to remove legacy carbon from the atmosphere
Photograph of Bean Hollow State Beach at sunset; waves crash against rocks, and a small cliff is visible in the background.

Expert Briefing: Science for Ocean-Climate Action

Accelerating Knowledge & Innovation in California for Implementation of the White House Ocean-Climate Action Plan
Photograph of the Central California coastline, looking north towards green hills. The wide beach and low whitecaps are tinted gold by the afternoon sun.

Ocean Science Trust Reauthorized as OPC Science Advisor

OST receives Council reauthorization to continue its role as OPC Science Advisor and Secretariat to the OPC Science Advisory Team
Six people smile at the camera, standing in front of a mostly-hidden banner of seaweed and a white pavilion wall.

A Dive into Seaweed Farming

A panel at the California Seaweed Festival explored the growing interest in seaweed farming and provided insights from practitioners and authorities
A photograph of eight panelists smiling at the camera. The lower edge of a projector screen is visible behind them.

Cultivating Restorative Aquaculture in California

A special session at the recent Western Society of Naturalists meeting considered the science and management restorative aquaculture in California
A white man in a plaid shirt points up with both hands. Behind him is a deep blue tank, with a whale shark and pilot fish swimming past just beyond the glass.

Ocean Science Chats: Anthony Rogers

Director of Strategic Initiatives Anthony Rogers discusses his journey to OST and the development of his reputation as “That Fisheries Guy”

Ocean Side Chats: Kiya Bibby

Senior Science Office Kiya Bibby discusses her journey to OST and behind-the-scenes of horizon-scanning project development
Photograph of Elkhorn Slough wetlands on a clear day. The blue sky reflects off the water, and low hills are visible in the background.

Coalescing a Blue Carbon Brain Trust

A recent workshop advanced conversations about blue carbon science and policy in California
Photograph of the late afternoon beach in Humboldt Bay. The sky is reflected on the wet sand, and dense trees are visible in the background. People dot the beach with their dogs, surfboards, and toys.

Policy Clinic Examines Insurance and Coastal Resilience

UC Davis graduate researchers team up with the CA Dept of Insurance and OST
A photo overlooking the remaining gray infrastructure from the closed abalone farm. The gray of the Pacific Ocean is visible in the background, with a mountain peeking out below the fog to the left of the viewer.

Agriculture in the Ocean

An upcoming project seeks to catalyze sustainable aquaculture for a range of different species, but sustainable commercial aquaculture is not its only goal.
The viewer looks down a bridge, most of which is hidden underwater. Waves wash across the road and trees loom against a gray sky on the opposite side of the flood.

Insurance Can Be Sexy

Senior Science Officer Kiya Bibby reflects on a recent science-policy convening of insurance and nature experts and shares a new report
Aerial view of the La Jolla Children's Pool, with white-capped waves crashing against the dark gray stone of a seawall. The dark brown shapes of sea lions dot the protected beach.

Webinar: Opportunities for Reducing Coastal Risk with Nature and Insurance in California

Join OST and partners for a discussion on building resilience with nature and insurance
Photograph of a young white woman wearing a wetsuit. She stands on a beach with gray clouds in the background.

Ocean Side Chat: Monica LeFlore

Science Officer Monica LeFlore discusses the her path to the nexus of science and policy and the joy of connection in boundary spanning.
1997 view of the Southern California Bight from the International Space Station. Image courtesy of NASA.

Ask an Expert: Briefing on the Sea Grant DDT+ Research Needs Assessment

Join OST and expert panelists to discuss the Sea Grant DDT+ Research Needs Assessment
A low wave cresting towards a distant shore. A long line of whitecaps is visible, as are dunes along the horizon.

2022 Highlights: A Landmark Year for OST

Our top highlights, initiatives, and future directions for the OST Team
Photograph of a presenter speaking to a room of people at the West Coast Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Symposium
Photograph of the California Capitol Building from in front. The sky in the background is pale in predawn and there are trees to either side of the cupola.

State Leaders Update Founding Ocean Science Trust Legislation

Reaffirming our commitment to accelerate science-based action
Cliffs and a beach on a clear day along the Mendocino coast. Dark patches of kelp are visible in the turquoise water.

Join the Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory Team

Join an interdisciplinary team of scientists working with state leaders to address pressing ocean and coastal challenges. Learn more here.
A school of closely-packed sardines swim past, bathed in bright blue light

Climate-Based Flexible Fisheries Management

Researching case studies, management plans, and conducting stakeholder engagement as an OST intern.
Aerial photograph of a whale surrounded by deep water. A small spray refracts the light above it into a faint rainbow.

Ocean and Social Science

Exploring ocean policy and crafting the Indigenous Peoples and Territories Acknowledgement statement
Photograph of two sea otters floating among the kelp in bright blue waters

New Report: The Social Science of Sea Otter Reintroductions

Perspectives and recommendations to advance considerations of sea otter reintroduction
An aerial photograph of Cardiff Beach in Encinitas. A river flows out under a bridge, while a wide sandy beach curls under it and waves break beyond.

Where Nature-Based Coastal Adaptation and Equity Meet

OST staff Kiya and Hayley share reflections on the development of a new report
A path leads between tall grasses towards the ocean. The sky is blue and mostly cloudless. Footprints are visible in the sandy path.

New Report on Taking Action for DEI in California's Ocean Sciences

Proceedings and Recommendations from our Roundtable Series
Photograph of muted gray-green waves crashing on a beach

In Memoriam of Dr. Kenneth Coale

Remembering Dr. Kenneth Coale, one of OST's founding board members
Photograph of a young Black man smiling at the camera. He stands on a hillside overlooking a beach and further hills.

Ocean Side Chats: Dom Kone

Senior Science Officer Dominique Kone discusses the peculiarities of being an expert generalist and its necessity in a boundary spanning organization
2020 Aerial Of The Newly Completed, Freshly Colonizing Marsh Restoration Site Hester Marsh, Elkhorn Slough – Photo By J Haskins

Ask an Expert: An OST Briefing on Equitable Living Shorelines

Join OST and expert panelists as they discuss improving social equity outcomes within nature-based coastal adaptation in California.
A young white man with dirty-blond hair leans into a large tank illuminated by a red light.

Ocean Side Chats: Kevin Travis

Science Officer Kevin Travis talks about transferable skills for a career in science policy
Gold-colored seaweed fronds waving against a bright blue background
An aerial view of the Sacramento Capitol Building at sunrise

A Year of Providing Science Advice to Lawmakers

What we've learned from a year of bringing science advice to the Legislature
Photograph of a young woman making the OK gesture while SCUBA diving

Ocean Side Chats: Melissa Abderrahim

Science Officer Melissa Abderrahim talks about bringing DEI to the core of the science-policy nexus
Aerial photograph of a river winding through green marshes to the sea

Reimagining Career Pathways at the 2021 CalCOFI Conference

A panel discussion on modern careers in ocean science
Photograph of a volunteer in an orange vest cleaning an oil spill

Science Recommendations and Future Directions of Offshore Oil in California

Highlighting new and past work following the recent 2021 oil spill

California Invests in Science Informed Decision-making

The OPC Science Advisory Team provides a critical venue to bring state leaders and scientists together around pressing ocean and coastal challenges.
Three tugboats push a container ship in towards cranes in a port.

Navigating a Boundary Spanning Organization

A reflection on the importance of boundary spanning organizations
Spots of particulate matter refract under a murky green wave

Tackling the Complexities of Ocean Contaminants

A brief look at deep sea contamination off the Southern California Coast.
Cliffs and a large rock rise out of the shallow water of a beach at Shark Fin Cove. Late afternoon sunlight casts long shadows.
A close-up photo of sea foam on a white sand beach

Reflections of an OST Intern

Reflections from a summer intern and her time at OST
Aerial photo of a rocky coast with houses overlooking the water

Reframing Ocean-Climate Science and Solutions

We partnered with COMPASS to convene 20 leaders in ocean and climate science to discuss issues at the intersection of their collective experience.
Offshore windmills on a cloudy day, looking over the North Sea in Scotland

Ask an Expert: An OST Science Briefing on Offshore Wind in California

Join OST and expert panelists as they discuss the science & technology of offshore wind development in California.
Photo of a sign saying "Dune Restoration Area" at Morro Bay. Morro Rock stands clearly against a blue sky behind the fence and low dunes

New Project Launch: Making Living Shorelines Equitable

Delivering science guidance to ensure nature-based coastal adaptation in California benefits everyone
Aerial photograph of Point Dume, Malibu

Searching for Resilience in 2020

Reflections on leading a climate resilience working group for California’s MPA network during the height of the pandemic (and how it helped us persevere through a challenging year).
Aerial photograph of CA Highway 101 and the coastline. Waves are visible in the water and green hills roll away to the east.

New reports guide adaptive management of California's MPA network

Final reports from two parallel working groups are helping to inform MPA network evaluations and advance our understanding climate change resilience
Gloved hand holding a set of dirty plastic pack rings on a cloudy beach

Leading through Uncertainty

A scientific working group paves a path forward to address microplastic pollution
White and copper plastic bottles tangled in a net on the beach

New Report: Microplastic Pollution Risk in California

OST convened a scientific working group to develop a risk assessment framework for microplastic pollution in California
A group of sea otters float in Elkhorn Slough

Sea Otter Reintroduction in Federal Spotlight

Congress expresses interest in assessing the feasibility of sea otter reintroduction to U.S. West