Photo of the California coastline and ocean

Academic Roadshow 2019-2020

We are touring California's academic institutions with relevant ocean and coastal research

Academic Roadshow Summaries

Academic Roadshow stop #1: UC Davis, Coastal and Marine Science Institute (in-person)

On January 22, 2020, OST, OPC, CA and USC Sea Grant visited the Coastal and Marine Science Institute at UC Davis. The day of presentation was organized along the OPC Strategic Plan goals (1. Safeguard Coastal and Marine Ecosystems and Communities in the Face of Climate Change; 2. Advance Equity Across Ocean and Coastal Policies and Actions; 3. Enhance Coastal and Marine Biodiversity; 4. Improve Ocean Health through a Blue Economy). For each goal, teams of experts collaboratively created a 20-30 minute presentation that provides a big picture,forward-looking view of research, education and outreach support for that goal at UC Davis. Each team also identified core challenges to addressing each goal-scientifically and structurally.

  • Agenda of the day available here
  • Summaries of the presentations and discussion available here
  • Speakers bios available here

Academic Roadshow stop #2: San Francisco State University – Estuary and Ocean Sciences Center (in-person)
On March 5, 2020, OST, OPC and CA Sea Grant visited the Estuary and Ocean Sciences Center (EOS Center) at San Francisco State University. The day of presentation was organized in two series of lightning talks, the first one addressing Goals 1 and 2 of the OPC Strategic Plan (1. Safeguard Coastal and Marine Ecosystems and Communities in the Face of Climate Change; 2. Advance Equity Across Ocean and Coastal Policies and Actions) and the second addressing Goals 3 and 4 of the OPC Strategic Plan (3. Enhance Coastal and Marine Biodiversity; 4. Improve Ocean Health through a Blue Economy). Each lightning talk session was followed by discussion in small groups and plenary sessions

  • Agenda of the day available here
  • Summaries of the presentations and discussion available here
  • Speaker bios available here
  • Academic Roadshow stop #3: UC Santa Barbara (virtual)

    On October 19, 2020, OST convened a 2hours remote Academic Roadshow stop with partners at UCSB along with leadership and staff from OPC, CA and USC Sea Grant. The event was organized around two expert panels, one on marine ecology and one blue economy; as well as a presentation from Dr. Gretchen Hoffman to present the new program: FUERTE (Field-based Undergraduate Engagement through Research, Teaching and Education) aiming to advance diversity and inclusion.

    • Agenda of the day available here
    • Speaker bios available here


The Ocean Science Trust serves as Science Advisor to the Ocean Protection Council, in this role, we deliver programmatic and actionable scientific advice to advance the State’s vision for a healthy and productive ocean and coast. The Academic Roadshow offers a unique opportunity for OST to support the State by strengthening partnerships with the academic community in California, better understanding the current landscape of coast and ocean-related scientific research and providing a foundation for strategic science investments to accelerate progress towards state policy goals.

The Academic Roadshow aims to:

  • Identify mechanisms and opportunities for engagement with the academic community
  • Inventory the academic science research landscape in California as it pertains to coasts and oceans issues, broadening and deepening networks of connections within California’s scientific community
  • Encourage participation in addressing California’s priority ocean and coastal science needs by a broader range of academic disciplines and experts
  • Spur the development of new interdisciplinary collaborations needed to address California’s most pressing challenges relating to climate change impacts, and solutions to mitigate and adapt
  • Leverage scientific efforts across the state to ensure best available science is informing policy and management, identify critical data gaps, and use this information to inform ongoing investments in coastal and ocean research and monitoring in California

This initiative is executed in partnership with the Ocean Protection Council, California Sea Grant and USC Sea Grant, in collaboration with individual academic and research institutions and labs, and cross-campus research coordination groups.

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