Science Briefing on Kelp Forest Benefits, Loss, and Restoration along the California Coast

By Kevin Travis

California Ocean Science Trust and expert panelists Dr. Marissa Baskett (Univ. of California, Davis), Dr. Mark Carr (Univ. of California, Santa Cruz), Dr. Carrie Pomeroy (Univ. of California, Santa Cruz), and Dr. Adriana Verges (University of New South Wales) discussed the ecological role, socioeconomic importance, and future restoration strategies of our California kelp forests.

Download the briefing handout here

Missed the webinar? Watch it here.

Presented in partnership with
the office of Assemblymember
Al Muratsuchi

Why Kelp?

Northern California’s kelp forests have undergone major declines since 2014. A combination of harmful factors, including a marine heatwave and unchecked sea urchin populations, resulted in many kelp forests disappearing along our northern coasts. These habitats play a crucial role in maintaining healthy ecosystems along our coastlines, and they support many of our coastal communities and economies, including valuable fisheries. As California begins to test and consider implementing restoration strategies, it is imperative we discuss current research on kelp forests and identify knowledge gaps to strengthen our understanding of this important California habitat.

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