An offshore wind farm on a sunny and calm day

The Potential Environmental Impacts of Floating Offshore Wind in California

Science Fact Sheets Explore the Research

Now Available

In an effort to address questions about the potential environmental impacts of floating offshore wind energy in the federal lease areas in California, OST compiled the existing research (as of June 2024) into seven fact sheets with high-level science messages. The topics included are not exhaustive of all potential environmental impacts nor intended to suggest prioritization or ranking of potential impacts by scientific expertise. Rather, the goal of the fact sheets is to synthesize research on topics frequently raised in public venues, especially in the communities of Morro Bay and Humboldt Bay.

Topics include:

  1. Understanding Potential Environmental Impacts with Existing Research (General Takeaways)
  2. Impacts to Marine Mammals from Pre-construction Surveys
  3. Impacts to Seabirds
  4. Impacts to Whales and Other Marine Mammals
  5. Impacts to Fish and Seafloor Habitats
  6. Impacts from Noise
  7. Impacts from Electromagnetic Fields

The fact sheets underwent a scientific review process by 11 experts from academia, consulting, and government. They are intended as a resource for legislators, agencies, local government, and other policymakers as they field questions from the public.

Printed versions available upon request.

Click the icons below for PDF versions:

Slide Understanding Potential Environmental Impacts with Existing Research (General Takeaways) Slide Impacts to Marine Mammals from Pre-construction Surveys Slide Impacts to Seabirds Slide Impacts to Whales and Other Marine Mammals Slide Impacts to Fish and Seafloor Habitats Slide Impacts from Noise Slide Impacts from Electromagnetic Fields
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