Engaging policy, regulatory, and management communities on the science of mCDR


Responsible research and development of marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) in California will require socializing the latest scientific understanding with state lawmakers and navigating the state’s regulatory and management landscape. OST will leverage its unique connections to the state to engage with California’s state agencies and the legislature to elevate awareness and understanding on mCDR.

Science Service to the Legislature

In tandem with OST’s Legislative Science Services program, our team is delivering science services to legislative members, committees, and their staff on marine carbon dioxide removal.

In 2023, OST organized educational tours of several mCDR projects across California to provide an opportunity for state lawmakers to engage directly with experts, learn more about mCDR research and development, and discuss remaining and future challenges for this emerging climate mitigation strategy in California. Learn more about the outcomes of this tour series in a recent story by Science Officer Kevin Travis.

The 2023-2024 legislative session witnessed California’s first ocean carbon dioxide removal bill, which has only further increased legislative attention into mCDR as a potential climate mitigation strategy. In the months ahead, OST will ensure lawmakers are equipped with the best available science to make informed decisions on mCDR.

Supporting our State Partners

California’s regulatory and management communities are increasingly in need of trusted scientific information about the state of science for mCDR and its potential in California. Leveraging our state-connected role, OST has convened initial meetings among state agencies with relevant jurisdictions on climate change mitigation and ocean resource management to discuss their information needs and remaining science questions about the efficacy and safety of mCDR approaches. Stay tuned for the outcomes and outputs of these state engagements.

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