Kevin Travis

Science Officer


Kevin Travis is an experienced ocean professional, focusing on the timely and impactful delivery of science information to inform challenging policy and management decisions. With a strong belief in interdisciplinary collaborations, he approaches the mission of OST by working across traditional boundaries to cultivate partnerships, elevate science-based dialogue, and develop pragmatic paths forward to the issues facing California’s ocean environments and coastal communities. Kevin is responsible for advancing various initiatives, currently specializing in emergent ocean-climate issues, such as exploring the potential role of marine carbon dioxide removal in contributing to the state’s ambitious climate goals.

Kevin joined the OST team in 2021 as a California Sea Grant State Fellow, where he supported the development of OST’s Legislative Science Services program to strengthen the role of science in lawmaking. Prior to his fellowship, Kevin earned a Master’s degree at California State University (CSU), Long Beach, studying the behavior and movement of fish species across environmental and evolutionary extremities. He’s collaborated with various institutions along the West Coast, from the Aquarium of the Pacific in Southern California to Friday Harbor Laboratories at the University of Washington.

Kevin holds his M.S. in Biology from CSU Long Beach, and a B.S. in Marine Science & Biology with a minor in Mathematics from The University of Tampa. He is based out of the Los Angeles area.

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