Anthony Rogers

Strategic Initiatives Director


Anthony Rogers is an experienced leader in developing and supporting science-based initiatives and projects that result in concrete, actionable policy outcomes. A natural resource economist by training, Anthony has extensive experience working across a host of environmental issues, mostly notably ocean resources. With a strong belief in the power of science to illuminate solutions to difficult societal challenges, he approaches every project as an opportunity for collaboration and thought partnership. Currently, Anthony leads several of OST’s programmatic priority areas as Strategic Initiatives Director.

Prior to returning to California in 2018, Anthony was an Officer, Environmental Science in the Conservation Science Program at the Pew Charitable Trusts in Washington, D.C. In this role he served primarily as a science grantmaker, where he created the institution’s forward-looking social science research funding portfolio. Anthony has also served as an Economic Analyst at The Nature Conservancy, and as an Economist for the U.S. Federal government.

Anthony received a Masters of Environmental Management, Environmental Economics and Policy from Duke University, and a B.S. in Environmental Economics and Policy from the University of California, Berkeley.

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