Addressing Sea Level Rise and Floodplain Management in California with the National Flood Insurance Program (Comprehensive Report)

Framing the Scientific Opportunities on Harmful Algal Blooms and California Fisheries Scientific Insights, Recommendations and Guidance for California

Snapshot of Decision-maker Needs: Organismal Physiology

A Report Card for Ecosystem Health in California

Final Report of the Scientific Review Committee: Scientific review of the reference point thresholds prescribed in the draft Fishery Management Plan for California Spiny Lobster (Panulirus interruptus)

Integrating Socioeconomic & Ecological Data: Exploring new methods to support long-term MPA monitoring and sustainable fisheries

Integrating Spatial Data into Marine Protected Area Monitoring and Management

Rapid Assessments for Select California Fisheries

State of the California Central Coast

State of the Central Coast Symposium Proceedings

Citizen Science and Ocean Resource Management in California: guidance for forming productive partnerships

Ecological risk assessments: A Roadmap for California Fisheries

Executive Summary: Final Report of the Science Advisory Committee Scientific and Technical Review of the Survey Design and Methods used by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to estimate red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) density

Final Report of the Science Advisory Committee Scientific and Technical Review of the Survey Design and Methods Used by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to Estimate Red Abalone (Haliotis rufescens) Density

North Central Coast: A Regional Snapshot

Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia: Today’s Need for a Coast-Wide Approach

Snapshot of Decision-maker Needs: Ecosystems and Food Web Impacts

Snapshot of Decision-maker Needs: Ocean and Coastal Dynamics