An Analysis of Aquaculture as a Vector for Introduced Marine and Estuarine Species in California

Colton, M.A. and Swearer, S.E. 2012. Locating faunal breaks in the nearshore fish assemblage of Victoria, Austrailia. Marine and Freshwater Research. 63:218-231.

Fischer, E. V., K. R. M. Mackey, D. F. Cusack, L. R. G. DeSantis, L. Hartzell-Nichols, J. A. Lutz, J. Melbourne-Thomas, R. Meyer, D. A. Riveros-Iregui, C. J. Sorte, J. R. Taylor and S. A. White, 2012. Is pretenure interdisciplinary research a career risk? Eos, Vol 93, No 32, 311-312.

King, P., and McGregor, A. 2012. Who’s Counting: An Analysis of Beach Attendance Estimates and Methodologies in Southern California. Ocean and Coastal Management. 58(9), 17-25.

Providing input on focal areas for the OPC: climate change adaptation, land/ocean interface, sustainable fisheries, marine spatial planning, and emerging industrial uses, meeting minutes

Launching our input into the development of the 2012 – 2017 OPC strategic plan, developing a position statement on climate change, meeting minutes

Plastic Debris in the California Marine Ecosystem A Summary of Current Research, Solution Efforts and Data Gaps

Summarizing work related expert judgment as a science integration tool, and SAT input on the 2012 – 2017 OPC strategic plan, meeting minutes